A big smile that captivates a joyfully swaying crowd, Giz holds you by the hand as she leads you to a journey into a melodic jungle with bass banging roots.
As you slowly walk closer to her stage, you feel a familiarity to GiZ and the music she blends together. From start to finish, she eases you into the story, teasing and capturing your mind with new and nostalgic rhythms and surprises along the set. Her sets tell a different story each time, building up and splitting into many different paths and a flow full of surprises- in times darker, in times more groovy and sensual.
As a nomad who started travelling at a very early age GiZ has had the chance to interact with many cultures and sounds. You can tell that easily from the way she blends in everywhere she goes around the world but also in her sound which is definitely one that recognizes no borders and genres.